Ask Maddy about: Early childhood education and care; school education; market-based reform; parenting tweens; Elizabeth
Strout novels; all things food related



Madeleine is a seasoned public policy professional with extensive experience leading policy development and implementation for significant market-based reforms across a range of sectors, including early childhood, transport, school education and school policy. Madeleine has particular expertise in early childhood education and care, having spent the past 5 years working as part of the leadership team designing and implementing Victoria’s nation-leading Best Start Best Life reforms, including Three-Year-Old Kindergarten. Madeleine has:

  • Provided leadership to four teams within the Department of Education’s Kindergarten Expansion and Pre-Prep Reform Division, covering modelling, project management, infrastructure, and whole-of-reform policy

  • Led a team responsible for developing infrastructure policy advice, modelling and stakeholder engagement activities to support the Three-Year-Old Kindergarten roll-out

  • Managed two teams to deliver evidence-based policy advice and options for market-based reform on a range of topics within the transport portfolio, with a focus on reforms to the taxi industry (Uber reforms)

  • Supported the negotiation of the initial Gonski School Funding Agreement as a Senior Economist within the Victorian Department of Treasury and Finance

Influential work at dandolo:

  • Provided advice to government on the design of a wage subsidy for parts of the ECEC sector

  • Led an analysis of the strengths and limitations of funding models for aged care and ECEC, and advice on the implications of a supply-side funding model in ECEC

  • Provided a report to a government funder for a university providing support to communities offering VET to secondary school students