social sector not-for-profit organisational health check


social sector not-for-profit organisational health check


social sector not-for-profit organisational health check


A significant and well regarded not-for-profit (NFP) provider of social services for youth was experiencing some organisational changes:

  • A longstanding CEO had resigned, and an acting CEO was in place
  • Constitutional changes had resulted in changes to the board composition, including representatives of shareholders
  • Shareholders were considering their future role in the organisation

At this junction the NFP's board commissioned dandolo to provide an organisational ‘health check’ that would consider the NFP from a governance, financial and organisational perspective. The purpose of the ‘health check’ was to equip the board, including its new members, with a rounded understanding of the organisation that would help them make decisions about its future, including its future CEO.


dandolo conducted a broad brush review that drew on existing documentation and select consultations. The review included:

  • Analysis of internal documents including: financials, board reporting, policies and previous external reports and surveys of management performance and culture.
  • Group interviews with senior management and groups of directors.
  • A confidential and anonymous survey of the board.
  • Consultation with a select number of external stakeholders, including the NFP’s major government funder.

The dandolo team included Dan Norton and Bronte Adams, both of whom have considerable experience as directors of NFPs and major government funded organisations.


dandolo’s report provided some immediate ‘quick win’ actions that the NFP could make, and positioned its board to make informed decisions for appointing a future Chief Executive supported by considerations of governance issues.


strategy for supporting start-ups and entrepreneurship

strategy for supporting start-ups and entrepreneurship


strategy for supporting start-ups and entrepreneurship


A new state government had made an election commitment to invest $60m to support the development of startups and entrepreneurship. The proposed startup initiative was a cornerstone of the government’s plan for economic transformation and development, and dandolo was commissioned to identify how it could maximise the value of the government’s investment.

We looked at the particular strengths and limitations of the state, assessed what the government could do to support the initiative and what changes might need to eventuate to match the unique culture of the startup ecosystem.



  • We collaborated on a co-design process with the startup community, including holding an unconference.
  • We drew on our international networks to engage thought leaders from Israel, the UK and Australia to identify the best practices in a fast-moving and innovation driven field.
  • We conducted 40 interviews with specialists as part of fieldwork.
  • We analysed unconventional and inventive options for government, settling on a strategy going forward that included a staged response and initiatives tailored to the specific state context.


dandolo’s recommendations resulted in:

  • The establishment of a new government entity, at ‘arm’s length’ from government and embedded in the startup ecosystem;
  • A suite of recommended and tailored interventions which the entity could deploy; and,
  • A mandate for government to take new and alternative approaches to encouraging entrepreneurship.


implementation options for language learning technology in preschools

implementation options for language learning technology in preschools


implementation options for language learning technology in preschools


The Australian government funded a significant pilot of an online application that allowed early childhood centres around Australia to expose children to language learning experiences. As the pilot drew to a conclusion, the government wanted to know what it would take to roll out the application successfully.



  • We engaged people and departments across the childhood education sector to understand how the technology was being used.
  • We collaborated with experts in early childhood pedagogy to clearly understand the benefits of similar technology.
  • We engaged technology experts to identify the technology roadmap and identified demand within early childhood centres.
  • We undertook detailed cost modelling across a range of implementation scenarios.

With a best practice perspective, we designed an implementation plan for a national roll out of the application.


The final report equipped government to make decisions about the value of a range of scenarios. The Australian Government chose to pursue one of the scenarios which was reflected in a 2016 budget announcement and is due for implementation. 


review of education for young people with serious health conditions

review of education for young people with serious health conditions


review of education for young people with serious health conditions


As part of a commitment to supporting educational opportunity for disadvantaged groups, a state government commissioned a review into education services provided for children and young people with serious medical and mental health conditions.

The department was aware that current supports had not been developed systematically, and therefore it was likely there would be some gaps and inconsistencies in provision. The department commissioned dandolo to describe current provision, including its strengths and limitations, and to design a new model that could provide consistent services across the state.


  • We examined what exists and developed a simple organising framework to assess the status quo and potential reform options based on three things: who should be served, what services should be offered and how the services should be organised.
  • We iteratively tested specific propositions with stakeholders to assess whether our scenarios were applicable to the real world.
  • We undertook extensive modelling of cost and demand scenarios.
  • We redesigned a service that would maximise objectives of effectiveness, equity and efficiency.
  • We organised the new design as a model that could be deployed in a staged approach to ensure an effective transition. 


dandolo’s review resulted in a successful budget bid and implementation of key recommendations, including the establishment of a new service as proof of concept for the model development.

dandolo continues to work with the department to implement and expand the model we recommended.